Depot Tram Tracking System


HTM (Haagse Tram Maatschappij) required a system to accurately track the position of trams within their large 14-track depot. While GPS worked well for tracking trams outside the depot, it was ineffective inside due to the roof and proximity of the tracks. The goal was to utilize the existing RFID tags already installed on the trams for gate access, to monitor their positions accurately within the depot.


The challenge was to read the RFID tags of trams parked on the tracks without confusing them with tags from adjacent trams. Furthermore, the RFID antennas had to be placed about 5 meters in front of the trams, increasing the risk of signal reflections and mistakenly reading nearby trams on other tracks.


To overcome this challenge, Trackware implemented large polarized Axem antennas (60x60 cm) that create a narrow radio frequency beam and are less sensitive to reflections from the surrounding trams. This allowed for reliable reading of RFID tags from a distance of 5 to 10 meters while avoiding interference from adjacent trams. The tram IDs were transmitted to HTM's servers using a GPRS modem.


After several weeks of comparing the system's results with manually recorded tram positions, it was confirmed that the RFID system achieved 100% accuracy in tracking tram locations within the depot.

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