Detecting Freight Wagons


Trackware developed an autonomous RFID system for Prorail to detect RFID tags on passing freight wagons and send the wagon numbers to their server, all without an external power source or internet connection.


The primary challenge was designing a fully autonomous system with no available power source or internet connection. The system had to generate its own power, but large solar panels were not allowed due to their vulnerability. This required a creative solution to operate the system reliably with minimal energy.


To achieve this, a small solar panel (30x60 cm) was mounted on the control cabinet along with a battery system. The RFID system only activated when a train was detected to conserve energy. This was accomplished using a low-energy ultrasonic train detection system, which only powered on the RFID reader (which consumes 95% of the energy) when a train approached. Despite the challenge of the train's speed and the typical 30-60 second startup time of the RFID reader, the system was activated in time to successfully identify the wagons. The detected RFID tags were then sent to the server via the low-energy LoRa wide-area network.


The system operated autonomously much longer than expected. Instead of the projected two months of autonomy, it functioned throughout the entire year, requiring only one manual recharge in February.

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